Hi all! Back from break with a boner!

masterbeta6969 (7 hours ago) Show Hide
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I saw the lyrics to this song written on a penis, now I love

6 Responses to “Hi all! Back from break with a boner!”

  1. tyler Says:

    hahaha incredible

  2. a bear Says:

    but how do I find out what video this was posted on?

  3. Mia Says:


  4. ryan Says:

    3swelldogs3 (7 hours ago) Show Hide
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    well…I noticed mr nacho wacho wacko…that you didn’t mention that Reagan had the BEST approval approval rating…or did you just “happen” to leave that out because it didn’t “work” for you. you are an idiot!!

  5. SW Says:

    Reagan had the BEST approval approval rating? Um… no check your numbers you’re thinking of CLINTON! He had better approval ratings going out and all around than Reagan ever did.

  6. YouTube Subscribers Says:

    Really incredible this is !

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